Hungarian Dining
One of the best aspects of visiting or living in Austria is its location. Many centrally located countries in Europe claim to be located “at the heart” of Europe; however, to be honest, I would agree on Austria being the country which does this reputation most justice: bordering Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia.
We often would visit our Grandparents in the wine region of Burgenland, which bordered Hungary, and would proceed there to a Restaurant in Sopron, Hungary for what we considered and still consider the most amazing Pizza ever (I’m rather fond of Hungarian dining). Dark wood and stain glassed-windows, traditional “Sitz-Ecken” (seating corners), tiled floors and dimly lighted ceiling lamps give this restaurant its unique atmosphere and it is themed after Hunting and the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
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Here, you are able to admire prints and sketches of the last emperor of Austria, Kaiser Franz Josef, and maps of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The restaurant’s menu offers a wide variety of Pizzas, Spaghetti, as well as traditional Austrian and Hungarian dishes such as Gulasch and Wiener Schnitzel. Personally, I recommend the Hawaiian Pizza and “Kastanien Reis” for dessert, a common dessert option in Hungary, which consists of grated chestnut, crystal sugar and whipped cream (trust me, it is gooood). The base of the Pizza is not too thick nor too thin, just perfect, as is the taste of the sauce which is just salty or tomato-ey enough to make your mouth tingle. ;D~~
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