Always the question of what to get when you’re visiting another country and how to avoid bringing home tat – I like to try and avoid the typical mainstream things and bring something traditional and significant home. So during my trip to Mexico the thing that caught my eye were these cute little things and the many different death-type objects which although cute, were still a bit too bizarre for my taste. I discovered South American traditions are rather intriguing.
The worry/trouble doll (muñecas quitapenas), common in south American cultures including Guatemala and Mexico is usually a handmade doll, which is meant to take away all your worries or troubles overnight. The tradition is to speak to the doll out loud before going to sleep and let it know all the things that bother you and then place it under your pillow overnight.
According to folklore the doll will continue to worry about the thing that bothers you in your place, which means you no longer need to worry about it as the doll will do it in your place and you therefore should wake up worry-free. Similar to our tooth-fairy tradition, parents sometimes will remove the doll from the child’s pillow overnight to enforce the belief that the doll and worry has disappeared overnight.
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Sometimes parents and children even make these together as instructions for a simplified version can be found online and it is an opportunity to be creative together and creativity can be therapeutic, some medical centres even use these as a tool toward treatment with young children.
Although actually intended for children I think it is a kind of cute, comforting thing to have. I bought a set of earrings, which I then transformed into a charm for my mobile phone because I might be a bit too old for that kind of thing, although it did look cute and great with jeans haha. So now I have one for myself and the second for my sister – that’s about as personalised a gift for the two of us to share as you can possibly get! ^_^
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